Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the Bishop’s palace

st-nicholas-churchThe church of St. Nicholas is the city’s perennial companion and its greatest monument. It has been a capital church from the year 2006 onward, and had previously been a chapter church since 1493 when emperor Frederick III of Habsburg established a collegiate chapter here. Due to its gradual development, the appearance of the church is somewhat uneven.

The navel originates in the first half of the 15th century, the belfry was built during the second part of the same century, while the large presbytery with its crypt and vestry goes back to the times of the chapter’s establishment. Since late 16th century, the main altar has been home to a painting of St. Nicholas by the renowned painter Tintoretto.

Next to the church stand the bishop’s manor built in 1623, whose oldest section is the southern part of the east wing, a granary from early 15th century which had once been used for the safekeeping  of townsfolk’s possessions and later stored goods for the church, and the chapter gardens that continue to grow fresh vegetables to this day.

The gardens are partially enclosed by the preserved section of old city walls.
