First Slovenian feature movie
On their land
At the end of this year, 70 years shall pass from the production of first Slovenian feature film On their land, which was in year 1948 directed by France Štiglic and means the beginning of Slovenian professional cinematography. “Look at it, our grapa! Baška grapa!”, were the first Slovenian words, said in the movie. As his cradle, Baška grapa is recorded in Tolmin, where the majority of the movie scenes were recorded in the villages Grahovo ob Bači and Koritnica. The heritage of the movie, since its birth, was slowly but steadily upgraded.
In year 1975, a memorial on filming the movie On their land was erected in Grahovo ob Bači with great celebration. It is the work of sculptor Peter Jovanovič.
In year 2008, there was two-day celebration of locals and moviemakers in Grahovo ob Bači to honor six decades of artistic venture and set-up a thematic path. Ivan Merljak represented the documentary of memories of the creators and eyewitnesses of the shooting Dotik. Tolmin museum has set up a permanent exhibition about the movie and published informational booklet.
In year 2012, thematic path On their land was ceremoniously opened and as the only movie thematic path in Slovenia permanently described the heritage of the movie of Baška grapa.
In year 2013, at a 65th anniversary of movie On their land, a two-year plan of setting up the path was symbolically completed with three-day event, ending it with celebration “Festival of Slovenian movie“. It was held as a gift to the moviemakers and modern Slovenian movie and to the locals, who nurture the story of the movie, respect it and with nobility of the tradition they teach new generations.
Society Baška dediščina (en. Baška heritage) will in cooperation with local society honor this iron jubilee of production of the movie in frame of 13th Festival Echoes of heritage – 70 years of movie On their land in Grahovo ob Bači (sports playground).
- Day 1 – Friday, 5.10.2018 at 6 p.m.:
Premiere of documentary movie: “Baška grapa – live monument of the movie”, director Slavko Hren (RTV Slovenija)
In the filming of the documentary movie in May 2018 in Baška grapa, also a live moviemakers participated: Štefka Drolc, Ivan Marinček – Žan, Ivo Belec, Andrej Kurant, Emiija Soklič, Tone Mlakar. - Day 2 – Saturday, 6.10.2018
=> 10 a.m.: start of 6th hike along Themed path On their land; (included into Festival of hiking and Day of European cultural heritage)
=> 3 p.m.: programe for kids
=> 4 p.m.: Day of Associations of Societies of technical culture of Posočje Tolmin
=> 6.30 p.m.: the night of documentary movie
– Cultural and technical heritage of Baška grapa
– “All lives of Tone Mlakar (host director Marko Cvejić)
=> Marjetka Popovski - Day 3 – Sunday, 7.10.2018 at 6 p.m.:
main event “Tribute to Slovenian movie” enriched with music and songs from Slovenian movies
“On their land we are living joyfully, we people from grapa love to have fun!
Alongside the Puntare, we barely catch our breath and cheer: Look at our grapa!” (authors of the texts: Kristina Kos Čujec and Anja Kavčič Drole, music: Andrej Makor)
The organizer is expecting the visit of the yet living moviemakers.
Let us state how the baptism premiere of the movie was announced by that time daily newspaper Slovenski poročevalec (en. Slovenian reporter) (15. October 1948): “This event for us means as much as Trubar for our literature and Linhart for Slovenian theater”.
Festival Echoes of heritage is traditional event, which gives opportunity to Society Baška heritage, to once a year promotes cultural, technical and natural heritage of Baška grapa among the general public, and is the result of multiannual tourist products, which were created in upper part of Baška grapa.
Society of Baška heritage and we would appreciate if you could take some of your time to visit one of this events.
Alenka Zgaga, predsednica društva
041 601 248