Event Details

Chartiy running event
Run and donate

Jump on castle is a charity running event with which we help children who are treated at the Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana. All the collected money from starting fee and charity contributions will be used for buying a device, which will be donated to Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana. On 3rd event Jump on castle we will collect the money for device for the continous monitoring of the heart-respiratory function, which will primarly help infants who have difficulty breathing and with unexplained disorders of consciousness. With the event the organisators promote a healthy lifestyle and connects people, who wan to contribute back to the society, from which they originate. The run is organised by running enthusiats, who are employed at the Pediatric Clinic in Ljubljana, with the help of Rokus Klett Publishing House, athletes and donors. The run is supported by University Clinical Center Ljubljana, Pediatric Clinic and Institution for Pediatric clinic, numerous volunteers and, last but not least, each individual runner and fan. Jump on castle every year attracts around 700 runners of all ages from all over Slovenia. Join us!

For more informations about the event you can visit web page www.hopnagrad.si, where you can apply to compete in a run or to work as a volunteer, who will help with the event in other ways. You can follow the event also on Facebook, where you can spread the information about the event and with that contribute towards success of the event. See you on Sunday, April 7h 2019 on 3. Jump on Castle.