Artur Lokar was born on 12 June 1865 in Ajdovščina, where he died on 15 June 1926. After finishing elementary school Artur Lokar went go Gimnasium in Gorica and Trieste, where he finished hist schooling. He continued his studies in Graz and became a notary. For a short time he worked in Komen and Kanal as notary, then he worked in Ajdovščina until his death. His office was at first on Lavrič square in the castle building, which was owned by the family Bolaffio. Later, after year 1920, he moved his office into the house of his nephew Dr. Danilo Lokar, who here performed his medical practice.
He was employing only Slovenian officials. He was also an organisator of social life and very active in various national events and in organisations like Cyril-Methodus branch, Edinost, Mountaineering society, Lavrič public library and Sokol. First reading room in Ajdoviščna was founded by Dr. Karel Lavrič, after who Lokar named the library. He donated many books to the library. He was also, for many years, the deputy mayor of Ajdovščina. He strived to elevate the village and its surroundings to a higher cultural level. At public meetings, which he organised, he informed fellow citizen about events in policital and cultural spheres. He actively participated at electrification, construction of water supply and embellishment of Ajdovščina. City park or the People’s garden was his idea, which still today carriew his name – Lokar avenue. He was know for his humour and stories, even outside his hometown and were published in that time newspaper.
The funeral was a true national convention. Carabinieri, who accompanied the funeral from a side, said that Ajdovščina Pope died. His memories Artur Lokar handed to his sister Marija Presel. In the testament he did not forget on Ajdovščina and Šturje poor men, school department and other local societies. In year 1976, at 50th anniversary of his death, they erected in city pard Ajdovščina his bust statue, which is a work of local artist Veno Pilon.
Statue of Artur Lokar
The statue of Artur Lokar stands in city park Ajdovščina in the middle of decorated path, between the trees in a peaceful part of the city. It was erected in year 1976, on 50th anniversary of his death. It is a bust statue on a pedestal, made by local artist Veno Pilon. [_Read more_]