Chicago statement

Slovenian emigrants in USA accept Chicago statement

Chicago statement is a political opinion of American Slovenians about unification of southern Slavs into a new state after WWI. It was designed on June 29th 1917 in Chicago, the representatives of Liberals and Socialists in USA took part in the consultation. Proposer was Etbin Kristan.

Chicago statement analyses the conditions in Europe after February revolution 1917 in Russia, at the same time it highlights the interest of American Slovenians for the fate of Yugoslavian nations after WWI. The statement notes, that among Yugoslavians there is no language barrier (as in the case between German and Italian or other languages). But at the same time every Yugoslavian nation has its own literature, culture, customs and habits.

In this the proposers of the statement saw the only successful solution, unification of all southern Slavs in autonomy of each in a matter, which is not common. The realization should be possible only in Yugoslavian Federative Republic. The signatories called American Slovenians to establish the organization, which would be directed toward achieving this goal. This has been done under the influence of American democratic tradition, Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution. On this basis Yugoslavian Republican association was established.


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