Vojščica holiday
Two day event
And it is year-round and again a time when the beautiful Karst village Vojščica celebrates! What is it celebrating? The village celebrates St. Vid, the patron of the village and the church. The holiday, which was in the year 2018 named Vojščička fešta n’mivki! (en. Vojščica feast on sand). Yes, we have sand too.
The event is being organized under this name and this size for the second time. It will last for two days, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June 2019 with a rich program.
SUNDAY, 16.06.2019
On Sunday, June 16th, 2019, we start the program at 3 pm in Kal na Vojščici. First, the orchestra of the Youth Wind Orchestra from Komen will be playing, followed by a short presentation of the caving skills by Cave Society Temnica (all who would like to test themselves in climbing will be able to try later, in their corner throughout the day). https://www.facebook.com/JKTFB
At 4 pm an amusing theater comedy of well known Secular Society Standrež entitled Let’s go to the theater (it will take about 40 minutes), will be performing. During the event, you will be able to pay a ticket and try to guess the weight of prosciutto or try out in tournament of horseshoe throwing. A lot more will be happening. http://www.pdstandrez.org/index.php
Around 5 pm, a warm-up before a big concert of Slavko Ivančič will happen by excellent music group ABC, living abroad, who promises a great party! https://www.facebook.com/Ansambel.ABC/
At 7 pm will be time for the concert of an outstanding, recognizable and dedicated musician Slavko Ivančič with his band.
After 9 pm, the group ABC will again take care of those most persistent ones!
On Sunday, June 16th, 2019, special rules apply:
Anyone who comes to the scene or event (in the valley of Kal) until 5 pm will be privileged not to pay the entry fee. At the main entrance (intersection above Kal) you will receive a stamp, which will allow you to freely move to or from the scene for the entire day.
For those who enter the event/scene after 5 pm, the entry fee is 4 EUR (in return, you will receive a stamp at the entrance)