

Decorated path to Golovec
Decorated path to Golovec

Golovec is a tree-covered hill, southeast from the city centre of Ljubljana with the highest peak Mazovnik (450 meters). It represents a continuation of Šišenski hill (Rožnik) and Grajski hump. It is an integral part of Posavje hill. Golovec consist mostly of Paleozoic clay, sandstone and marl.

Through Golovec in direction north – southeast (via Črni vrh – 443 meters) leads the path of Remembrance and Comradeship and the drivable way London – lower Hrušica.

On Golovec several streams spring. The two largest are Bizoviški and Dolgi stream, which are flowing into the river Ljubljanica. Formerly the hill was mostly naked, covered with grass and from here derives its name. Planned afforestation started after the year 1890. In times of the Roman Emona in 2nd century AD, a waterworks was directed from Golovec to a settlement.

View on the hill Golovec
View on the hill Golovec

Regulated resting places on Golovec
Regulated resting places on Golovec


Route 1From Botanical gardeneasy marked and unmarked path1 h
Route 2From Rakovnik easy marked and unmarked path55 min
Route 3 From London easy marked and unmarked path35 min

** of course there are also other paths to the hill Golovec and you can choose which one you prefer. Golovec offers a simpler recreation and is suitable also for those who aren’t in good physical condition. It is a beautiful natural excursion point near Ljubljana.



Mar 4, 2025 – Tue

Ljubljana, Slovenija
tue mar 4
sky is clear
10/4°C1 m/s, SE50%1.03 bar
wed mar 5
few clouds
12/6°C1 m/s, E53%1.03 bar
thu mar 6
scattered clouds
15/6°C2 m/s, SW42%1.03 bar
fri mar 7
broken clouds
14/7°C1 m/s, SW42%1.02 bar
sat mar 8
overcast clouds
15/9°C1 m/s, SE46%1.02 bar


travel-slovenia-link-on-othertravel-slovenia-link-on-other2See other hills around Slovenia!


travel-slovenia-golovec-map-viewMap of Golovec
Map of wooden hill Golovec near Ljubljana with its highest peak Mazovnik, where you can see paths through it and points from where you can begin your ascent. To view the map in full size, just click on the image on the left or on the link to open it in another window. [_See the map_]

Ljubljana is the capital and largest city of Slovenia. It is geographical, political, scientific, economic, administrative and cultural center of Slovenian nation and most important economic center. It was at the crossroads of Germanic, Romance and Slavic people, their languages, customs and traditions. [_Read more_]

Heart path on Golovec
Heart path on Golovec takes us on the paths of Golovec, it is marked with logos of Society for health of the heart and vascular system of Slovenia. The path starts at Rakovnik, next to the football ground Krim. It takes us pass two ponds into the hill above the church of Rakovnik. [_Read more_]
