Italian ossuary, Kostanjevica na Krasu


In the village Kostanjevica na Krasu, was in the year 1920, built Italian ossuary in memory of Italian soldiers, who have fallen during WWI. The ossuary contained several thousand skulls and many bones, among other things, various objects were stored in the ossuary that the fallen soldiers had with them, as well as detailed records of the battles that took place in the surrounding area of Kostanjevica na Krasu. In the year 1938, the ossuary was abandoned, as they built a new one in Sredipolje (Redipuglia). After WWII, the ossuary was removed, to this day only the lower base has preserved.

Italian ossuary once
Italian ossuary today


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Church of St. Martin
The church is located on the hill in the middle of the village Kostanjevica na Krasu, it was built in the year 1724. It is a parish church of Roman-Catholic territorial parish of Karst deanery in Koper parish. The original church was dedicated in the year 1518, mentioned in the year 1725 as clerical. [_Read more_]

Kostanjevica na Krasu
Kostanjevica na Krasu (en. Kostanjevica on Karst) is a smaller settlement located on Komen Karst, in municipality Miren – Kostanjevica. Kostanjevica is known as a birth place of academic painter Jože Spacal and writer Igor Torkar. The settlement Kostanjevica na Krasu developed on a steep slope. [_Read more_]
