Kokolej chapel, Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu


Kokolej chapel

Kokolej chapel is located next to the forest path towards the remains of castle Vodriž, south from Kokolej peak (si. Kokolej vrh). It was erected slightly above the path, inside of it is a cross. It is a chapel of closed type from the second half of the 19th century. It has smooth facade elements in plaster and highlighted segmentally completed entrance.


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Green path with a story
Green path with a story from Podgorje to castle Vodriž or Wiederdries is a school didactic path, which was created by primary school Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu in the year 2016. It is a circular path, along the path we can challenge ourselves in mathematical, natural-scientific and literary tasks. [_Read more_]

Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu
Podgorje is a smaller settlement in city municipality Slovenj Gradec, which is mostly agricultural and in last years hop oriented. To settlement, which locals also call Podgorca, also included the surrounding hamlets and farms. Through the settlement flows river Suhodolca. [_Read more_]
