On a facade of Cultural home in Podgorje is attached rectangular marble memorial plaque with dedicative inscription: »In the great rebellion of Slovenian nation in the years 1941 – 1945, in the fight for freedom, they sacrificed their lives.« The plaque was created and erected in the year 1968.
First shots fired in Mislinja valley were in the area of Podgorje, namely at the beginning of October 1941. At that time, the fighters of Pohorje company crossed from Pohorje to Graška gora. On November 21st, 1942 the group of partisans of Pohorje battalion confiscated some weapons, German uniforms, and ammo and burned the municipal office.
Zidanšek brigade, on February 18th, 1944, attacked fortified armed outpost, which Germans had it in primary school, and burned it down. Exactly on the day, when the Fourteenth brigade was breaking to Pohorje.
Inhabitants of Local communities celebrate the local holiday in the second half of August. In memory to the year 1944, when at Atjnik in the area of Šmikalvž ACYY course was organized (en. ACYY – Association of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia, and in Slovene translation SKOJ – Zveza komunistične mladine Jugoslavije). At that time they also established a Communist Party cell of course participants. After the war, the Podgorje inhabitants built a Cooperative home. In the year 1968, on Slovenian cultural holiday, they renovate the home and rename it to a home of culture.
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Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu
Podgorje is a smaller settlement in city municipality Slovenj Gradec, which is mostly agricultural and in last years hop oriented. To settlement, which locals also call Podgorca, also included the surrounding hamlets and farms. Through the settlement flows river Suhodolca. [_Read more_]