Panovec forest

The view on forest Panovec
The view on forest Panovec

Nova Gorica is one of the few cities in Slovenia, which can praise it self with interesting, preserved and a large forest complex, where one can find a number of domestic and foreign tree species.

Forest Panovec is the suburban forest and streches on the outskirts of the city of Nova Gorica and covers 380 Ha. The forest ist particularly interesting due to its history, an extraordinary diversity of flora and fauna. It has a great importance for the local people. In year 1985, the forest Panovec was declared as natural monument. In year 2009, it was identified as the forest with a special meaning. It is also intended for recreation, as recreational trails are directed thru it. We can also find cycling trak, jogging track and a running track. Or you can take a walk along the forest didactic path, which shows us different plant species.


Panovec was first mentioned in year 1001, at the first mention of Solkan and Gorica. At that time, Oton III gave part of the territory between Soča and Vipava to Aquileia partiarchs. It is not known when the estate came into the hands of counts of Gorica. Panovec was first mentioned in writings in year 1470. When, in year 1500, last count of Gorica died, the forest became the property of the Habsburgs. Thus, it received special care and it was managed by the forestry office in Gorica. With the Forest policy of Istria, Friuli and Karst issued in year 1541, planned management started. But later there was a conflict between the nobles of Gorica and caretakers due to exploitations of the limber.

Luckly the forest maintained his integrity even after year 1785, and that year they cadastraly arranged the question about ownership and the owner of the forest became the country. In the middle of 19. century, Josef Ressel took care for the forest and made the forest management plan. The forest and its role have changed throughout history. In the past there has been a primary timber production, but today many other functions affect on the management (biotopic, recreational, educational, climate, …).

During the first world ward the forest Panovec lost its original appearance, because first defence line went through it. Even second world war left some consequences. Afte the capitulation of Italy, people exploited the absence of government and they cut down the forest without supervision.

The forest trail
The forest trail

The point along didactic path
The point along didactic path


Laška frog
Laška frog

Speciality of forest Panovec are Laška frog or Holly trees or shrubs.

Laška frog is a medium-sized frog, its body is 7,5 cm. It lives mostly in moist deciduous forests, along streams and standin water. It is one of Europe’s most threatened amphibians, and that is whay it is protected in Slovenia. Forest Panovec is its largest and most important deposit in Slovenia.

Holly tree or shrub
Holly tree or shrub

Holly is evergreen tree or shrub and is protected plant species. Nevertheless, the forest Panovec is its richest habitat, it so forbiden to uproot or otherwise destroy it. Its fruits are similar to red berries, which are toxic. Be caution on the leaves, since they can have smooth and knobbly leaf edges.


In the forest Panovec fauna is variedly. In addition to the already mentioned Laška frog, here can be found game and birds and important amphibians: rugged newt, crested newt, common salamander, yellow-bellied toad, common toad, green frog and agile. In the woods also live lizards, snakes and many species of butterflies.


In the forest, the geological basis is Eocene flysch, composed of layers of mart, slate clay and sandstone. The forest has also a swampy part, through which several streams run.


Panovec was in year 1985 protected as a natural monument und the Ordinance of the proclamation of culture and historical monuments and natural attractions in the municipality of Nova Gorica, Official bulletin, no 8/85. In addition, it is protected and guided by its management, according to the Decree on urban forest Panovec (Official bulletin of RS, 85/2009) from year 2009.


Entry in the forest is free, but this does not mean that rules of behaviour do not apply. Wild flowers, mushrooms, fruits and moss are necessary for the life of the forest, and their accretion is limited. Per day one person can collect up to 2 kg of mushrooms and up to 1 kg of herbaceous plants (with the exception of protected ones). Mass events are limited in Panovec forest, as for the forest that means a large interference.

Prohibited activities:
– driving with motor vechiles
– driving with bikey outside the forest trails
– disposal of waste and rubbish
– fire, except on the regulated residential fire places
– the destruction of natural resources
– disturbance of animals


travel-slovenia-panovec-map-viewMap of forest Panovec
On the map of Panovec forest you can see various trails you can take – forest didactic path, trim trail, jogging trail or forest road. You can also see the forest reserve and parking lots with starting points. To view the map in full size, just click on the image on the left or on the link to open it in another window. [_See the map_]

travel-slovenia-panovec-didactic-path-viewForest didactic path Panovec
Forest didactic path Panovec is sixth opened path in the raw in Slovenia, it was made in year 1981. The route runs at altitudes ranging from 50 to 140 meters. Along the way we get to know different kinds of trees, some of them are protected species. [_Read more_]

travel-slovenia-panovec-trim-trail-viewTrim trail Panovec
Trim trail Panovec is part of a recreational zone in the immediate vicinity of the city of Nova Gorica. The trail is 2,2 kilometers long and very popular among local population and to those seeking active recreation. The entry point is arranged at the resevoir at tunnel Panovec, where is a small parking lot. [_Read more_]

travel-slovenia-panovec-jogging-track-viewJogging track Panovec
In Panovec is also arranged jogging track with a length of 10 kilometers. The whole track takes place in shelter of the forest, it is advisable to use a sports shoes. Altitude difference over the entire track is 85 meters. The track is mostly flat, with slight descents and slopes. [_Read more_]
