Pine Grove


Pine Grove park is the city park in Nova Gorica, it is a unique biotope in the middle of the city. It is planted on the area of last remains of the former clay pits. Soil holds the water, which attracts frogs and birds, as well as migratory birds.

Wooden footpath in the park
Wooden footpath in the park
Water area in the park
Water area in the park

It is located only a step away from city center, behind the France Bevk Public Library, in it you feel like as you are not in the middle of the city. It is a real oasis of peace, which is within the reach of a hand. On southern side is a regulated complex with children’s playground and a statue by Gorazd Prinčič called Play, on the northern side is a modern skate park or skateboard polygon, on eastern edge of the Grove is a monument to the Slovenian women of Alexandria by sculptress Nika Šimac. The statue in all its simplicity represents the character of woman-mother, at which we feel safe.

Trees on small hill in the middle of the park
Trees on small hill in the middle of the park

Map of the park Pine Grove
Map of the park Pine Grove


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travel-slovenia-nova-gorica-viewNova Gorica
City Nova Gorica, also the city of roses, is a young city and by the number of residents the tenth biggest city in Slovenia. The city is the center of city municipality Nova Gorica, it was constructed after the Second World War and already for some decades represents the heart of the sunny Goriška. [_Read more_]
