| Church of St. Mihael on the Marsh is located alond the road in Črna vas. It is interesting and beautiful example of sacral arhitecture of architect Jože Plečnik. In this architecture are reflected the pure ideas and implementation of a plan and high craft skills of Slovenian craftsman. The settlements in this part of the Marsh are relativetly young, since the settlement began only in the begining of 19th century. Intention to built a church was already when they founded and built a school on the Marsh in year 1895, but the economic opportunities of the population were too modest. Later, with a help of trnovo priest F. S. Finžgar, they temporarly made Sunday chapel in school, where they positioned an altar cabinet, which was opened for the service of God. |
Efforts to construct a new church were led by, at that time, trnovo chaplain and school catechist on the Marsh Mr. Dragotin Matkovič. He asked his uncle, architect Plečnik, to make a plan for the church on the Marsh. Plečnik made several drafts.
Since the marshy soil is a poor carrier, it was necessary to hammer 347 wooden pilots under the foundations. On this pilots they positioned stone foundations. Plečnik did not completely trust the concrete, saying to Motkovič:”But you will not cheat God with concrete.” The church was quicly built and the first mass was on 8th May 1938, blessing of the completed church was conducted by bishop Rožman on 17th November 1940.
Due to marshy terrain, Plečnik lifted the church above natural ground, with which he gained in ground floor necessary side rooms for the recotry and religious classroom. The bell tower was fundamentally separeted from the church. It is made out of brick and stone, it has built in concrete stairs that lead to the two bells. Oval niches are making the bell tower lighter, creeping wild vine it combines it nicely with the green landscape. The church was built unusually for that time, direction north – south. The church is dedicated to archangel St. Mihael. A large scale with sword over the main altar and on the stone pillar mounted shield with St. Mihael on a wooden landing are reminding of him. |  |
In the case of religious buildings is particularly important sense of the sacredness of space, that in such space on can pray. Since Plečnik was a great architect, as well deeply religious, in marshy church he managed to create a special religious feeling, which can not be described, but it can be felt by visitors.