Pliskovica is a village located in municipality of Sežana with a few hundred house numbers and around 220 inhabitants. In the village and around it the White wagtail, a tiny little bird, found its habitat. Most probably it was its lively character the cause, that herders, who probably were the first to inhabit these places, named the same lively sheep and goats wagtails. And this was the origin of the villages’ name. The village is one of the biggest villages, which is located in the middle of vast Karst plateaus, only 10 kilometres away from the coast of Adriatic sea. Around the village we find vast vineyards from which they produce wine Teran. On Karst pastures we can found sheep and goats, and also cows and horses. Karst is not short of rocks, which inhabitants of the village know how to beautifully chisel and shape. It is nice to take a walk or ride a bike in this Karstic landscape. In the vicinity of the village is arranged Karstic didactic path.
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Trellis of European friendship
In the center of the village the trellis of European friendship is positioned. Trellis symbolizes the friendship with neighbouring cross-border municipality Zgonik and with 25 members of European Union. These were included when Slovenia Joined the European Union. [_Read more_]
Velvety blackness
Next to the trellis of European friendship, where 25 grapevines are already planted, was a vine planted from the grapevine species Velvety blackness (Žametna črnina) – named also Velvety or Modra kavčina. This species of grapevine grows on Lent in Maribor for more than 400 years. [_Read more_]
Old linden tree
Old linden tree is located on the highest point of village Pliskovica, in front of St. Thomas church. Linden tree is pleaded national monument. It is also a protected cultural monument. It is estimated that the linden tree is over 400 years old and peacefully follows activities in the village. [_Read more_]
Village well
Village Pliskovica is located on a lifted ridge, because of that in the village is not much water. Due to that reason, in year 1892, they built a common village well in the center of the village. The well is 12 meters deep. In year 1916 the problem with the lack of water was partially solved by Austria-Hungary. [_Read more_]
NLS monument
In the village Pliskovica, on northern part of the village named Britih, is located NLS monument to the fallen victims for freedom. On the day October 19th 1943 in the village of Pliskovica the 1st battalion of Kosovel brigade captured and disarmed 273 Italian police officers and 11 fascists. [_Read more_]
St. Thomas church
Church of St. Thomas is located on the highest point of the village Pliskovica. The church is of Baroque character. All to the year 1572 the church belonged under Komen parish, after this year the village got its own parish, which still today works. Gods’ job in the church carries the priest from Tomaj. [_Read more_]