Podgorje is a smaller settlement in city municipality Slovenj Gradec, which is mostly agricultural and in last years hop oriented. To settlement, which locals also call Podgorca, also included the surrounding hamlets and farms. Through the settlement flows river Suhodolca, which flows from valley Suhodol or Suhi dol. Once this area was part of Styria, but today it is part of Carinthia. They do not have major industrial plants, only store, post, cultural home on which is a monument to the fallen fighters and two parish churches. The church next to the Cultural home is dedicated to St. Ulrich (si. Ulrik or Urh) and belongs to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Maribor. It dates to the late 15th century. The second church in the settlement is located on the eastern part and is dedicated to the Holy Spirit (si. Duh), built in the year 1459. With ethnological events in Podgorje, they revive old folk customs.
Suhodol or Suhi dol in approximately 10 kilometers long valley along river Suhodolnica, it spreads from Podgorje to the foot of Uršlja gora. Parallel valley Kaštel was in the year 1995 flooded with water, therefore, the Plešivški mill can only be reached on foot along the former road. In this part, river Suhodolnica is extremely clean, and because of that this area presents water source, therefore is adequately protected. Suhodol got its name from the limestone soil that allows water to drain, and because of that, the valley below homestead Suhodolnik is usually dry.

Because of the favorable location and good conditions for farming, this area was intensively populated already in the Middle Ages. The first mention of this area dates in the year 1394, Sredme was in the document mention already in the year 1368. Already the land registry of the old-Trieste parish from around the year 1400 mentions farm in Presika, at Ulrich in Podgorje, in Suhodol, Zgornjem Podgorju (en. Upper Podgorje) and Sredme. It is evident from the land registry that in addition to farming, people were also engaged in handcrafts, it mentions pottery and three millers in Suhodol.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the town flourished for the first time with a lumber shop, numerous sawmills along the Suhodolinca river (18 Venetian sawmills and 1 gang saw), freight, inns for cart drivers. But all of this has almost gone into oblivion today. Only one power plant with one of the oldest turbines remain in Slovenia, made a hundred years ago. Until recently, it supplied nine households without a director and collectors.
An interesting and rich hunting district presents the forests below Plešivška heap, with lots of deer, chamois, and mouflons. We can meet mountain pasture rabbits, marten, wild cat, wild rooster, grouse, raven, and wild pig. Occasionally also fallow deer or even a bear.
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Green path with a story
Green path with a story from Podgorje to castle Vodriž or Wiederdries is a school didactic path, which was created by primary school Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradcu in the year 2016. It is a circular path, along the path we can challenge ourselves in mathematical, natural-scientific and literary tasks. [_Read more_]
Castle Vodriž
Castle Vodriž, German Wiederdries, is a family castle built in Gothic style. Its remains are located at settlement Vodriž in city municipality Slovenj Gradec. Castle was erected by Aquileian feuds, knights Hebenstreit, around the year 1300. Today’s remains are still very good preserved. [_Read more_]
District cyclostyle technique Kajuh
The technique Kajuh got its name after fallen poet Karel Destovnik Kajuh. It was a successor of partisan technique Skovik, from June 1944 it worked in Škale Cirkovci. It served until March 28th, 1945, and on that day the group of members of occupying armed forces accidentally discovered the house. [_Read more_]
Memorial plaque to the fallen in the fight for freedom
On a facade of Cultural home in Podgorje is attached rectangular marble memorial plaque with dedicative inscription. The plaque was created and erected in the year 1968. First shots fired in Mislinja valley were in the area of Podgorje, namely at the beginning of October 1941. [_Read more_]
Church of St. Urh
Church of St. Urh is located in Podgorje pri Slovenj Gradec, behind Cultural home. The church is dedicated to St. Ulrich or St. Urh. It is the Roman Catholic territorial parish of Stari trg deanery of Carinthia archdeacon. The church was for the first time mentioned in the year 1375. [_Read more_]
Kokolej chapel
Kokolej chapel is located next to the forest path towards the remains of castle Vodriž, south from Kokolej peak (si. Kokolej vrh). It was erected slightly above the path, inside of it is a cross. It is a chapel of closed type from the second half of the 19th century. It has smooth facade elements. [_Read more_]