Stream Mišca

Stream Mišca near Bled lake
Stream Mišca near Bled lake

Stream Mišca is the largest surface tributary of Bled lake, contributing in average 4.7 million cubic meters of water, which is approximately one-fifth of all water in the lake. Stream Mišca therefore has a big impact on the lake. The stream has its springs in swampy and morainic terrain in Rečica.

Due to favourable drop of water, it was possible to build a number of mills. In the 13th century the first mill was built at Žontar. It is also the oldest mention of the mill in Gorenjska region.


Once there were five mills along the stream. First mill was owned by farmer Jakovc since 1906, from whom it was bought by Josip Stare. He turned the mill into carpentry workshop, replaced mill wheels with a large one that drove their machines.

Two mills were owned by the farmer Mežan. Due to the great drought periods, the first mill had three stones and a stope and the other one only two stones. He sold both mills in year 1920. The first worked until 1939 and was owned by Janez Pangerc. The other one was owned by Miha Pangerc, who turned the mill into the saw mill.

The fourth mill was owned by Anton Burja, who also had a saw and a stope lower from the saw. In time of WWI, the mill burned down, but was later rebuilt. It had five stones and a stope. During the dry season, only one stone was operational. Here they milled corn, wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats and barley. With placing the turbines in year 1937, the mill gained in capacity. They also installed cleaning machines for cereals. Millstones were replaced with roller machines. This mill is today, for many years, out of service.

A little fall of stream Mišca
A little fall of stream Mišca

Stream Mišca in village Rečica
Stream Mišca in village Rečica


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Village Rečica is located behind hill Višce, with streams Rečica and Mišca. Village Rečica was formed from three different parts. Cluster center of today’s village was formed next to the Old-Slavic cemetery, in a corner at the branch of the road towards railway station Bled – lake. [_Read more_]

Slovenia has only one island, but its uniqueness makes it more attractive. With its charm was, for centuries, a symbol of the town in which turists from all over the world like to return. This place, which exists for thousands of years, is Bled. It is one of the oldest and beautiful tourist places in Slovenia. [_Read more_]
