Much landscape value in Logar valley gives Logar linden tree, which is a symbol of view on the valley. Linden tree thrives in the lower part of the valley, approximetly 300 meters before farm Logar in Log, on the left side of the road. Linden tree is vey nicely grown, its height is 24 meters and skope of trunk is 485 centimeters. Due to value, that the linden tree is offering to the valley, it is decleared as natural monument since 1987.
The tree has several peaks, circular and dense treetop ends with rounded peak. Treetop is healthy, the trunk is hollow and open. The tree has been put behind fence, to protect its roots from damage that tourists can make and from near grazing cattle.
Logar valley
Logar valley is located in Kamnik-Savinja Alps and is, by name, divided on lower part of Log (wet, grassy clay world), middle part of Plest (mostly wooded world) and the upper part of Kot (wooded and gravelled world). Individual homesteads in the valley consider a total of 35 inhabitants. [_Read more_]