
Why to advertise with Travel-Slovenia?

Travel-Slovenia is  the ultimate web tourist portal, it is gaining more and more  on its irreconcilability, in foreign countries as well as in Slovenia. It is designed to present the most diverse locations in our little sub-alpine country. With which we would like to offer the visitor of Slovenia as unique experience as possible. At the same time we want to offer our visitors to share with us their experiences and impressions from their visit of Slovenia, on the forum we established. With a variety of facts, which we regularly publish on our site, we take care for presentation of Slovenia’s history  and today’s events.


Who are our visitors?

Page visitors are of all ages and both genders. The page is intended for all, who would like to get to know more about Slovenia and its beauties, at the same time they can discover locations, which they did not know about.

Page records, beside Slovenians, visitors from Austria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, France, Poland, Czech Republic, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Russia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Denmark, India, Egypt, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Macedonia, Brasil, Belgium, Finland, Canada, Argentina, Italy, Hungary, …

Advantages of Travel-Slovenia

The goal of web tourist portal is, that the visitors of our site get all desired information’s, which they need while visiting Slovenia. To get to know something more and thus gaining the opportunity to visit locations, which they would otherwise overlook. At the same time we offer important historian and general facts about Slovenia, we represent Slovenian word, customs, important personalities and events.

Possibility to track the portal

The visitors can follow us through various social networks, as each post of a new location is showed on (naštej keri mediji). For additional experience we regularly publish our photo impressions from exploring Slovenia on Instagram, with which we want to show the beauties of the visited locations. Of course each visitor can subscribe to our new posts with e-mail. To some locations we add video recordings from our YouTube channel, at the same time we share our hikes and other activities through Sports Tracker.


Advertising methods

You can advertise with Travel-Slovenia and become visible, present your business, service or product. This is a great opportunity to advertise your company and with that you get a chance to increase your visits and gain new costumers. Travel-Slovenia offers various options of advertising through banners, presentations, links, events and sponsored articles. We also offer the chance for various packages. Send us your message and we will get back to you with an offer as soon as possible. You can contact us through form below or on the given e-mail address.

Travel-Slovenia e-mail address:

Post/Article hosting

For all, who want their article to be hosted on our page, you are welcome to write us on e-mail and if the content of the article suits the Travel-Slovenia page, we can talk about publishing it. All posts/articles are being posted on our subdomain, namely on our trail blog on the link No hosted articles are posted directly on our main page, as the page’s main goal is to promote Slovenian locations. In that regard, all stories and articles (hosted) about Slovenia are published, as said on our trail blog. If you agree with this rule, you are welcome to contact us, and we will be happy to post your article under the agreed conditions. For all conditions and options of publishing, we are available on our e-mail address

Distribution of advertising space
