![travel-slovenia-st-bernardin1](https://i0.wp.com/www.travel-slovenia.si/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/travel-slovenia-st-bernardin1.jpg?w=250&ssl=1) | In the middle of the buildings of complex Bernardin has preserved the church tower of the former Benedictine monastery. The monastery and the church was built in year 1452 by initiative from Sv. Janez Kapistran (1386 – 1456), a priest of the Franciscan order, which was a peacemaker, a traveling preacher, confessor and monastic reformer. His teacher was Sv. Bernardin Sienski. Altough he was only a deacon, began to preach quite fast and became one of the most popular folk speakers of all time. Before his death Sv. Janez Kapistran strongly advocate that for a saint would be also proclaimed his friend Bernardin Sienski. He succeded in year 1450 and also dedicated the church to him. The monastery with the church Sv. Bernardina was abolished in year 1806, as all the other monasteries in the area of Istria. If they have not already been dissolved with decree of Joseph II. in year 1783. |
Austrian army took monastery building and changed it into a fortress to defend the bay, later the building was used by tax and customs administration. By the former mighty remainders, in immediate vicinity, is located a veiwing platform, from which are opening up a beautiful views on the bay of Piran.
![travel-slovenia-portoroz-stree1](https://i0.wp.com/www.travel-slovenia.si/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/travel-slovenia-portoroz-stree1.jpg?resize=150%2C135&ssl=1) | Portorož Portorož is an urban settlement on the northern shore of the bay of Piran in municipality Piran. The city developed into a leeward position below the steep flysch ridge. The harbor is protected from the north wind. Portorož is extremely touristic place, a popular place to relax, entertain and also work. [_Read more_] |
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