Nobled Lake-Solčava sheep

Lake-Solčava sheep on the hillside
Lake-Solčava sheep on the hillside

Nobled Lake-Solčava sheep is the only Slovenian traditional breed of sheep, and among all breeds is the most numerous in Slovenia. It has been bred for meat; wool is a side product, which is becoming more appreciated with time. Population size is estimated around 60.000 sheep.

The breed was formed by refinement of domestic Lake-Solčava sheep with Romanov breed, with purpose of increasing fertility. Refinement started in year 1982, and resulted with type of sheep suitable for intensive breeding for meat and crossbreeding for economic purposes. Their fertility was inherited after Romanov breed and characteristic to be adjusted to our conditions after domestic sheep. A remarkable feature of those sheep, that has to be kept by all means, lies in the fact that they can be bred in any season. They usually become sexually mature at six months of age, but some also as soon as in the age of four months. It lambs three times a year and ewes can start breeding again as soon as first month after lambing, even if still lactating.

Breed is well adapted to climate changes, tolerates cold and heat, adjusts the altitude and to steep terrain. Sheep have good maternal instincts and lambs are well taken care of. Due to this, mortality among them is low. Because of good adaptability to our conditions, breed is spread over entire range of Slovenia.

Area of Lake-Solčava sheep
Area of Lake-Solčava sheep

Sheep weights among 65 to75 kg and rams 95 kg or more. Animals have short ears and tail, length of which depends on the proportion of Romanov breed characteristics. Nasal profile is slightly curved or flat, giving the appearance of a noble and lively temperament. Their body is of medium width and harmonious, feet are, compared with Lake-Sločava sheep, shorter and less covered with wool. Their back is long and firm with straight lines. Wool is mostly white, but because of Romanov breed part in them, it consists of brown or black color as well. Belly is usually covered with fine threads of wool, half of front legs is covered with wool and back legs are covered with it to hocks. So they are generally well covered with wool, except on belly and lower part of the body. Their wool is slightly wavy; level of fat in it is low and generally is of low quality.