Slovenian autochthonous breeds are the breeds of domestic animals that have occurred in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. For them it was proved, basing on historical sources about the breeds, that Slovenia is original environment for their development and that there is Slovenian breeders documentation showing their origin, which must be recorded for at least five generations.
The world knows about 800 different breeds of dogs, of which only 450 are officially recognized. Some breeds, throughout their history, were favorite companion of people. Slovenia also has some autochthonous breeds: Karst Shepherd, Slovenian mountain hound, Posavski hound and Istrian hound. [ Read more ]
Horse is one of the seven modern species of the genus Equus. The genus among others include donkey, kulan and zebra. Male horse is called a stallion, mare is a female and young horse is a foal. Slovenian autochthonous breeds of horses are: Lipizzan horse, Posavski horse and Slovenian cold-blooded horse. [ Read more ]
Sheep and goats
Similarly as elsewhere in Europe, in Slovenia the number of sheep dropped in the last 150 years, from 300.000 in 1869 to about 20.00 in 1980. Autochthonous breeds are on its own a part of Slovenian culture. Their grazing contributes to the conservation of hilled and mountainous pastures, to maintain our landscape. [ Read more ]
Other autochthonous animals
In addition to all above listed autochthonous breeds, in Slovenia we can also find other autochthonous breeds of animals that have contributed to the identification and our cultural development. Appointed breeds are: Anatolian, Krško-Polish pig, Štajerska hen, Soča trout and the Carniolan bee. [ Read more ]
Slovenian wines easily convince and impress even great specialists. Worldwide those wines are becoming increasingly important and prominent for their quality and taste. In Slovenia there are white and red wines available, all of them have lush aroma and are strong, some have full others have light taste. [ Read more ]
Culinary delights
On the sunny side of Alps, from the Primorska region and up to Prekmurje, from Koroška to Dolenjska, our small little country offers a range of diverse culinary delights. All from Jota through Carniolan sausage to Prekmurian layer cake. When visiting Slovenia we recommend trying the local specialties. [ Read more ]
Slovenian movies
With the movie of France Štiglic Na svoji zemlji in year 1948 Slovenian professional movie production started. In this time in Slovenia many good quality movies were produced, which could compete with foreign movies with bigger budgets. [_Read more_]