Lipizzan horse or Lipizzaner is a member of breeds of horses, bred in Lipica. The breed was, in year 1850, founded in the Habsburg Monarchy by Karel, specifically in the area of the Slovneian Karst and is the oldest cultural breed of horse in the world. It was formed with crossing of Karst, Spanish and Neapolitan horses, later also with Kladrub and Arabic horse. In 19. and 20. century, breed began to spread, so today they breed it in more than 20 countries around the world. Total number of horses of this breed is around 3000. The horse is Slovenian symbol, depicted on the Slovenian 20 cent coin.
Stallions are 155-158 centimeters high, mares are 153-158 centimeters, head is medium sized, thin, with moderately convex profile. Eyes are large, dark, vibrant look, with a medieum sized ears, big nostrils. The neck is of medium length, set high, convex and muscular. The body is long, wide and deep, legs are firm and tight.
Lipizzaner has a lively temperament, is good for dressage, suitable to carry out the elements of classical dressage and also for forms of the equestrian participations under the saddle and horse carriages. Breed is very fertile, long-living and is utilizing fodder well.
Lipizzaner is not quite white horse, and with age they turn grey, somewhere between five and seven year they become almost completely white, due to graying or depigmentation. Until 200 years ago, there were also Lipizzaners, which were black and brown with white spots. Traditionally it is known, that a heard of Lipizzaner horses always has one black horse.
Edvard Kocbek – The Lipizzaner
Edvard Kocbek is in song Lipizzaners in a poetic way expressed the fundamental characteristics of a noble white horse, the Lipizzaner. Horse was created with crossbreeding with Karst horses and other horse breeds on the Slovenian Karst. Edvard Kocbek poetised the Lipizzaner as a sacred animal. [_Read more_]