Hubelj kitchen

The entrance into the cave is in eastern wall or slope of the gable of spring Hubelj. Slope below and above the cave is quite steep. Under the entrance is the torrential channel of Hubelj. The surrounding area is grown with leafy trees. We enter into the cave under approximitaly 10 meter high flakily wall. Beginning of the cave is qiute flaky, 4 meter wide tunnel is directed towards east. The floor are covered with small and big roks. After 11 meters, the tunnel turns towards north and changes into 1 meter wide and 2-3 meters high crack that gradually descends. In this part of the cave we can feel a slight draft. Then the cave narrows and lowers into narrow passage, which climbs gently tovards northwest. The tunnel has a cross-section of the vertical crack from 1 – 1,5 meters wide and from 1,5 – 5 meters high. In some places floors are covered with flowstone, which formed nice pans. Some are dry, others have water. After 30 meters, the tunnel widens into a small Viking hall. Here the cave splits and eastern tunnel leads to small chamber called the stable of stalactites and stalagnmites. The name itself indicates that this part of the cave is beautiful. In eastern part opens up a Deep lake, which is only 4 meters long puddle of caught water.

Left by the lake we can climb 11 meters higher to the Stable of stalactites and stalagnmites. Over 4 meters long lake we come into the part called Pans. Water can be avoided through a narrow tunnel over the lake, which also leads us towards Pans.

From the Pans we go slightly up and through the passage to new crossroads. Eastern branch leads to a blind tunnel Beautiful pebbles. This part of the cave is occasionally flooded with water coming from small hall between the stones. Water on the floor creates beautiful pebbles.

The tunnel, which from the croasroads leads towards east slightly descends for 20 meters to a small puddle. Behind the puddle is rockfall. After extended strait in the rockfall the cave splits again. Straight forward continues as high and 1 – 2 meters wide crack. After 30 meters this brings us into old parts in the tunnel of Beautiful pebbles. Up from the rockfall we come into small hall. After hall’s pile is a transition in lower parts. Followed by another stalactite hall. From here downwards opens a crack, which soon becomes muddy. Vertical crack closes at the bottom. The cave continues through horizontal crack 30-40 centimeters high. After we again come in vertical cracks, through them we reach big hall (10×5 meters). The height is round 15 meters. The bottom and walls of hall are covered with layer ob mud or very fine sand. In the bottom of the cave opens the passage into abyss. At its bottom is water, which flow from rockfall. This is the lowest point of the cave, 17 meters lower from the entrance and 30 meter lower from the highest point on altitude 263 meters. From the hall we climb in 10 meter higher tunnel with a lentgh of 30 meters. Only at the begining, when it is quite high, is clean. After, when we descend it gets muddy and it narrows to impassable.


travel-slovenia-hubljeva-kuhna-viewMap of Hubelj kitchen
On the map, you can see distribution of tunnels, halls and lakes of cave Hublj kitchen. The entrance into the cave is in eastern wall or slope of the gable of spring Hubelj. To view the map in full size, just click on the image on the left or on the link to open it in another window. [_See the map_]

travel-slovenia-hubelj-viewHubelj caves
All three caves were formed in the gable of Hubelj spring. East wall of the gable represent the walls of slope of the breccia. Northern walls are made of limestone. Spring occured, because flysch, on which limestone cover is applied, is in this part the lowest and that is why water carved here a free path. [_Read more_]