It all started with intention of Dr. Šuman from Belgrade, to build a Mausoleum in Logar valley and dedicate it to his sons, who were victims of two different accidents, especially because his son Pavle died at Mrzla gora. Dr. Šuman ordered the plans to be made by architect Plečnik in Ljubljana, who also prepaired them and assigned to do memorial building at the present location above the chapel on the edge of forest and meadow.
Locals wanted the chapel for more people and they also wanted to have regular church activities in it. They presented their plans to architect Plečnik in Ljubljana, but he refused to work with them, because he thought that the building would not be in harmony with the beauty of the Logar valley. Main initiators for the chapel were Logar and Podbrežnik. Dr. Šuman agreed to the construction of the chapel, which also supposed to be a tomb for the deceased son Paul. In the end the plans were made by architect Martin Golob.
On 16th June, the bishop of Ljubljana Gregor Rožman blessed the foundation stone and on this occasion stressed out that the chapel serves a double memory – of Paul’s death, as a sad event and the 40th anniversary of parish priest of Solčava, as a happy event.
Logar valley
Logar valley is located in Kamnik-Savinja Alps and is, by name, divided on lower part of Log (wet, grassy clay world), middle part of Plest (mostly wooded world) and the upper part of Kot (wooded and gravelled world). Individual homesteads in the valley consider a total of 35 inhabitants. [_Read more_]