Dinosaur footprints


The Dinosaur footprints
The Dinosaur footprints

Near Godovič were on bedrock discovered petrified footprints, known as dinosaur tracks.


In dolomite rock from late Triassic we can see six footrpints. Roundish prints have diameter from 12 to 14 centimeters and are spaced about 32 centimeres. Sequence of footprints reveals that here 220 milion years ago on the soft mud of seashore walked bipedal reptile. In that time, except lizards, there were no major terrestial animals. It is likely, that was a precursor of dinosaurs, that at that time started their development and as we know, extinct 65 milion years ago. Considering the size of footprints and distance of the step, could be a human size. Footprints unfortunately are not sufficiently preserved for the precise identification of the animal.


The legs have invaded the soft sea mud
The legs have invaded the soft sea mud

Footprints occuriedA
Footprints occuriedA
Footprints were filled and covered by marine sediment, which over millions of years changed into a rock
Footprints were filled and covered by marine sediment, which over millions of years changed into a rock

Rocks with preserved fossil footprints were again detected on the surface, the original fill was removed
Rocks with preserved fossil footprints were again detected on the surface, the original fill was removed
Bipedal reptile. The enivoronment in which the animal walked was similar to today's tropical lagoons with warm sea. (The image is symbolic)
Bipedal reptile. The enivoronment in which the animal walked was similar to today’s tropical lagoons with warm sea. (The image is symbolic)

Described fossil footprints are the only one so far discovered in Slovenia. Among the locals had long been known as the “bear paws”. The unique geological profile in Godovič today has the status of natural resource of national importance.


Destination is on the map marked only approximately. To reach the destination, ask the locals and they will gladly show you the right direction.

Time investiture of footprints above Godovič
Time investiture of footprints above Godovič


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travel-slovenia-link-on-otherWhat do you think about this dinosaur footprint – here!

