The valley of Draga is located in the southern edge of Ljubljana Marshes and runs in direction North-South. In year 1986 it was decleared as a natural monument. The valley was formed by the stream Draščica, which comes from Krim-Mokriško hills. The length of the valley is 1.5 kilometers.
The valley of Draga is of a tectonic design. It was created with erosion, that was set of by subsidence of Ljubljana Marshes. In the valley there are seven man-made ponds, created in 18. century for cultivation of fish and for excavating clay for brickyard.
In the valley of Draga, there is a circular woodland didactic trail, which starts at Big pond and takes us through beech forest to the village Dobravica and back along the dirt and forest roads. The length of the forest didactic trail is 3200 meters.
Ponds occupy a total of 50 hectares of land, each with its own name. Northern group consists of pond Rakovnik and Špilgut. In southern group of ponds there are First, Big, Middle, Cut and Last pond. Stream Draščica waters the ponds, and today those are designed for relaxation and learning about nature. Ponds today provide habitat for many aquatic, swamp, plant and animal spieces. Many of these species are endangered. Among the aquatic plants dominate white water lily (Nymphaea alba) and water knotweed (Polygonum amphibium). Here also grows endangered lesser bladderwort (Utricularia minor).
Ponds and sorroundings are nesting grounds and the eating places, a migratory stations and wintering areas of birds.

In the ponds also European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is living and since 1993 it is a protected species. It is prohibited to hunt it, presecute it or held it in captivity. Otters also eat here (Lutra lutra).
European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) is a freshwater turtle that lives in canals, ditches and ponds. It is very shy, which makes it more difficult to see her. It likes sunbathing in the morning, but once it gets warm it goes in the water to hunt for aquatic non-vertebrates, fish and amphibians. We can quickly mistake it with peregrine Pond slider (Trachemys scripta), which were released into the enviroment by unconscionable lovers of exotic animals. Pond slider turtles are bigger, they have yellow stripes on head and limbs, and characteristic red spot on a neck. Their lowering into nature is strictly foridden, since they are taking habitat from domestic European pond turtle.
Excavated clay was transported by rails to the brickyard, which stood in the village of Draga near the First pond. Brick products were loaded on the cart and taken to Ljubljana with horse yoke. With earned money they were buying goods, such as pair of new trousers. On winter evenings locals sawed ice from Large pond. Ice was early in the morning taken by Furmans, who took it on sleigh to the ice storage. From here butchers, restaurateurs and ice-cream sellers got ice for a whole year. One such ice storage can still be seen under the Ig castle.
It is prohibited to reach on ponds and in theer surroundings, which would change the living conditions, as for example waste disposal, noise emissions, sport fishing, swimming, surfing, ice skating, boating, burning, driving with motor vehicles, disturbance of the birds. In particular is prohibited to tear the water lily and to hunt European pond turtle.
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Map of valley of Draga
The map of valley of Draga, on which you can see all seven ponds and the path how to get there. Including the forest didactic path with its starting point. Ass you can see, the valley has much forest. To view the map in full size, just click on the image on the left or on the link to open it in another window. [_See the map_]
Ponds in the valley of Draga
Every pond has it’s own name. Northern group consists of ponds Rakovnik and Špilgut. Southern group consists of ponds First, Big, Middle, Cut and Last. Today, ponds are habitat for numerous water, swamp, plant and animal spieces, many of them endangered. [_Read more_]
Didactic path in valley of Draga
Start of the route is at the hunting lodge at the Big pond. Route goes along forest trails and partly on forest roads. Leads through Draška ribs below the village Dobravica, passing by Čelo at altitude 415 meters and in the Middle pond dops from forest to village road near the beginning. [_Read more_]